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Medical tours are an excellent option for those who want to take a vacation and at the same time improve their health or simply get rid of fatigue accumulated at work. This type of travel is now developed in almost all resorts of the world: both in our home country and in Europe, Asian countries and even in Africa. When planning therapeutic tours, keep in mind that they come in different types. Take, for example, health tours. They involve a full-fledged vacation at the resort plus unobtrusive, and most importantly - pleasant body care procedures that contribute to the recovery of the body and improve well-being. Such therapeutic tours are very popular among today's tourists, as they allow at least a couple of weeks to forget about endless deadlines and deadlines and fully devote time to your favorite or beloved. Health tours are, first of all, trips to all sorts of spa resorts, to therapies with balneological and mud profiles, as well as just rest at resorts with good climatic conditions. Attending massage sessions and classes will not interfere with your active vacation and excursions, so you will return home not only with beautiful photos for your relatives and colleagues, but also full of energy.
Another type of therapeutic tours is medical tours. From the name it is clear that tourists going on such trips are more focused not on the beach and refreshing cocktails, but on the restoration of failing health. This type of medical tours involves examination and treatment directly within the walls of the clinic or medical center. If health tours last from seven days, medical (taking into account the condition and well-being of the vacationer) have a duration of two to three weeks. Having chosen such a trip, you should not count on long excursions and exuberant entertainment. All attention (since there is a goal to come home healed) should be focused on procedures and daily regimen. It is not for nothing that they say: the main thing is health. Perhaps the most common type of therapeutic tours today - sanatorium-resort destinations. What could be better than to live in a modern and comfortable hospital in a picturesque forest area or on the seashore! All this can provide therapeutic tours of this profile. And go for health can not only tourists of advanced age, but also all those who need to relieve accumulated stress and just a good relaxation. Lastly.
Before going on therapeutic tours, don't be lazy and visit your general practitioner. Based on the doctor's conclusions, you will be able to decide what kind of rest and therapeutic procedures you need right now.

Naftalan Azerbaijan - a unique therapeutic resort of world importance, being the only deposit of healing naphthalane oil. Naftalan has been known since ancient times as a strong remedy for diseases of musculoskeletal apparatus, skin, urological and gynecological diseases. Naphthalan relieves inflammatory processes, reduces pain, improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in the body. "The spring of black gold is the key to healing" - this is the motto of Naftalan health resorts.
History of Naftalan Resort dates back to 1873, when naphthalane was extracted by hand from shallow wells. The "thick blood of the earth" is the name of naphthalene. More than 100 years have passed since the beginning of the study of therapeutic properties and application of naphthalene. Its effectiveness in various diseases is confirmed by the results of more than 1600 scientific papers and monographs.
Since 1926, a specialized курорт Нафталан in the field area, where patients from all over the USSR with musculoskeletal, neurological, skin, gynecological and urological diseases were treated. In the Soviet era курорт Нафталан was a favorite vacation spot of the party elite.
Now Курорт Нафталан provides treatment for more than 70 diseases in maximum comfort.
Naftalan sanatoriums accept patients from all countries for treatment all year round. Qualified, experienced and friendly staff makes every effort to achieve the main goal - the health of Man.
At present, treatment with naphthalane is carried out using the latest methods: desmelted naphthalane, naphthalane fractions and naphthalane hydrocarbons in combination with thermal and ultraviolet irradiation.
Naftalan sanatorium provides modern treatment with the help of naphthalan baths (general, sitting, chamber) and naphthalan lubrication with subsequent heating by the Solarux lamp. For baths native (natural) naphthalane is used, and for lubrication also desmelted (purified) naphthalane is used. Desmelted naphthalan does not irritate mucous membranes, so it is successfully used both topically and in the form of tampons and baths, as well as for lubrication of mucous membranes of gums, throat, nose and for ultraphonophoresis in the form of oil inhalations.
Treatment with naphthalan
The total duration of treatment is up to 20 days. During this time, patients take 10-15 sessions of baths with mandatory breaks, under the supervision of specialized doctors.
Naphthalene baths last 8 - 10 minutes. The patient is placed in a bathtub filled with naphthalene oil heated to a temperature of 37 - 38°C. Through the pores of the oil penetrates into the blood and then with sweaty secretions comes back out. At the same time, along with sweaty secretions come out all harmful substances for the body. After that the patient should wash off the oil under a shower and go to bed, as the process of release of oil with harmful substances will continue in addition to the baths.
Naphthalan smearing is prescribed for a certain area of the body depending on the disease. The area of the body is smeared with preheated naphthalan and heated with a sollux lamp from a distance of 75 - 100 cm, duration 10 - 20 minutes. The course of treatment is 15 - 20 procedures.
In addition to baths and smears, treatment with naphthalane includes:
- Vaginal tampons - cotton tampons abundantly moistened with 50 - 55°С desalted naphthalan, which are inserted into the vagina for 45 - 60 minutes. For the course of treatment 15 - 20 tampons
- Rectal microclysters (12 - 20 ml each)
- Ultraphonophoresis of desmelted naphthalan (naphthalan is used as a contact substance).
To increase the effectiveness of treatment with naphthalane is carried out in combination with additional procedures, which are selected and prescribed individually after a detailed examination. For examinations in the sanatorium there is a modern functional diagnostics room, clinical diagnostic and biochemical laboratories.
Procedures used in the sanatorium:
- Naphthalane baths
- Iodine-bromine baths
- Naphthalene applications
- Naphthalene swabs
- Paraffin treatment
- Manual massage
- Vibromassage
- Therapeutic exercise
- Underwater traction
- Apparatus physiotherapy
The treatment with naphthalene is effective in a number of diseases:
1. Заболевания опорно-двигательного аппарата и костно-мышечной системы:
- Rheumatic arthritis and polyarthritis
- Gouty polyarthritis
- Brucellosis polyarthritis
- Post-traumatic polyarthritis
- Deforming osteoarthritis
- Osteochondrosis of the spine
- Spondylosis of the spine
- Behterev's disease
- Myositis, myalgias, bursitis, tendovaginitis, myofasciitis, etc.
2. Peripheral nerve diseases:
- Neuritis
- Neuralgia
- Radiculitis
- Plexites
3. Peripheral nerve diseases:
- Obliterative endarteritis and obliterative atherosclerosis of lower limb vessels
- Varicose veins of the lower limbs
- Thrombophlebitis of superficial and deep veins of the lower extremities
- Raynaud's disease
4. Skin Diseases:
- Psoriasis
- Eczema
- Neurodermatitis
- Allergic dermatitis
5. Gynecologic diseases:
- Inflammatory diseases of the female genital sphere (adnexitis, salpingoophoritis, parametritis, perimetritis, metritis, etc.).
- Ovarian dysfunction
- Primary and secondary infertility
- Pelvic peritoneal adhesions
6. Chronic prostatitis
Treatment with naftalan is carried out outside the stage of exacerbation of diseases.

Since the middle of the 20th century, the increasing number of allergic diseases in the world seriously began to worry doctors. After a long search, it was discovered that this kind of diseases can be cured in salt mines. For the first time in 1871, near the Italian city of Florence, in the settlement of Monsammam in the province of Tuscany in the conditions of the mine was carried out treatment of patients with rheumatic polyarthritis in stalactite and stalagmite mines. Such kind of mines function in such countries as Germany, Hungary, Belarus, Ukraine. Such mines have become karst caves, their microclimate is rich in calcium ions .
There are also salt mines where microclimate with sodium and chlorine ions prevails. Such mines have been operating since 1968 in the Polish city of Krakow, in the Ukrainian village of Solotvino in the city of Uzhgorod, and since 1979 near the city of Nakhchivan in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic in Azerbaijan. In the beginning this healing center was located in Babek district in the Central Hospital as a department with 50 wards, then since 1982 near the salt mine in a separate building with 100 wards.
Healing centers of the mine departments operate at an altitude of 1173 m above sea level, at a distance of 12.2 km from the city of Nakhchivan in the two main mining halls of the salt mine, 300 meters from the entrance, at a depth of 110 meters, in 9 main treated layers. From the city of Nakhchivan to the Physiotherapy Center 9.8 km, from the Center to the mine 2.4 km .
The microclimate in the underground compartment of the mines is as follows :
1.Altitude above sea level - 1173 m
2.The temperature is 18-20
3.Atmospheric pressure - 740 mmHg.
4.Relative humidity - 24-50 %
5.Air velocity - 0.1 m/s.
6.Highly dispersive ions Na+, Cl-
- in the absence of patients - 17.5 mg/m3
- in the presence of patients - 12.5 mg/m3
7. Oxygenates - 20%
8. Noise level - 15-20 dB
9. Carbon monoxide, methane gas, nitrogen gas - not available
10. No hemolytic species of micrococci, mold fungi
11. The number of bacteria is 650-850 m3( in the air above the earth's surface the number of microbes is 8-10 times less).
The underground compartment consists of 9 main treated strata, of which 2 are for men 3 are for women, 1 is for children, 2 are sanitary units, and 1 is a recreation hall. The length of the strata used is 30-40 m, width - 8-10 m, height-3.5 m.
Patients who turned to medical facilities within 3-4 days are adapted in the underground ward. Then from 1800(1900) to 800(900) hours adults undergo speleotherapy treatment consisting of 16-20 sessions, children - 10-15 sessions. This time can vary depending on the severity of the disease, on the condition of the patient, on the time of his arrival at the course of speleotherapy. Simultaneously with staying in the mine, if necessary, carry out treatment with medical drugs, physiotherapy procedures, physical therapy, physical therapy, body massage. Medicines are prescribed as little as possible. If the patient takes hormonal drugs, their use is reduced gradually.
The advantage of the healing hearth of Nakhchivan Physiotherapy Center "Duzdagh" from other salt mines is that the mines are located horizontally. And before the patients go down to the underground ward, they adapt.
Plus, the mine is naturally ventilated, germs are at low levels, and there are no allergens present.
Patients from different regions of our republic, including foreign countries, such as the Russian Federation, Georgia, Turkey, Iran, Central Asia and others apply to the Physiotherapeutic Center "Duzdagh" of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.
Based on many years of experience, it can be said that in older patients with bronchial asthma of mild, moderate and high severity there was an improvement of 80-86%, and in children - 96-98%. Treatment is carried out during the period when there are no choking attacks or during remission. In patients undergoing treatment in mines there is a positive therapeutic effect on the 3-5 day of treatment. Thus, sputum secretion decreases, choking attacks are not observed. Severity of attacks is relieved, dry and wet wheeze in the lungs decreases. Patients are recommended to undergo a course of treatment 1 or, if necessary, 2 times a year (with the condition of consecutive treatment for 3 years).
Speleotherapy is an effective method of non-specific treatment of the bronchopulmonary apparatus. But it should also be noted in which cases speleotherapy is indicated, and in which contraindicated.
Indications for prescribing treatment:
1. Predastma.
2. bronchial asthma stage 1, infectious-allergic and atopic forms, mild, moderate and severe.
3. chronic obstructive bronchitis and chronic pneumonia - 1-2 stages in remission phase,
4. chronic bronchitis with asthmatic components
5. Allergic rhinitis, chronic allergic rhinosinusopathy.
6. Pollinoses.
7. Bronchial asthma - respiratory failure 1-2 stages and heart failure 1 degree
ПContraindications :
All non-specific diseases of the respiratory system in the stage of exacerbation.
During stage I complex phase and stage II bronchial asthma
During subcompensation and decompensation of heart failure
During circulatory deficiency stage I-II and during artherosclerotic cardiosclerosis.
During acute and chronic kidney disease. Including kidney stone disease and biliary disease.
During gastric and duodenal ulcer disease
During chronic hepatitis and cholecystitis .
During thyrotoxicosis
In moderate to severe diabetes mellitus
During nasal polyps and maxillary sinusitis
In pulmonary tuberculosis and in malignancies.
In addition, there are also conditional contraindications for treatment in the mine:
A hormonally dependent condition.
- Radiculitis
During lower extremity amputation.
The therapeutic effect of speleotherapy, i.e. improvement, is observed in children on the 4th-5th day. In older patients it is somewhat different. Thus, depending on the course of the disease, in one group of patients improvement occurs after 2 weeks, in others - at the end of treatment, and some 15-30 days after arrival in the place of permanent residence....
At this time, choking attacks and coughing decrease. And in children on the 4th-5th day, choking attacks disappear altogether. At the end of treatment in the blood increased number of leukocytes-eosinophils decreases, in addition in sputum the number of eosinophils decreases, erythrocyte sedimentation rate normalizes or decreases. Minute respiratory rate of lungs decreases, sometimes normalizes, bronchial passages clear, patients breathe more freely, pulse normalizes, or tachycardia is rarely observed, elevated systolic and diastolic pressure relatively decreases.
On the electrocardiogram, the increased amplitude of the T-tooth is relatively decreased, plasma free histamine is decreased, and histaminase is increased. Large losses of potassium are restored. Increased calcium and sodium fall.
Thus, the therapeutic effect of speleotherapy lies in the peculiar climate of the mine, in the absence of allergens. As a result of constant barometric pressure, reflex action on inflammatory allergic processes, the chains of allergic reactions are broken and clinical and biochemical effects are formed as a result.

Gabala is the capital of Caucasian Albania back in the 4th century BC, it was located in the middle of the Silk Road, which for more than 2,500 years enabled cultural exchange and trade between Europe, India and China. You can visit the charming ruins of the ancient city. Gabala, a spacious and ancient region of Azerbaijan, with its clean air, stunning nature and tranquility, is undoubtedly an ideal retreat and regeneration. Away from the noise of the city and your everyday stressful life, where you learn to understand the importance of taking time to reset and recharge. At the moment, in the Greater Caucasus Mountains there are more than 30 deposits of thermal and cold mineral waters with varying concentrations, sulfur levels and composition of organic substances, and 3 of them are located in Gabala. The thermal springs “Yengija” and “Gamarvan”, which are in the forefront in terms of medicinal value not only in Azerbaijan, but also in the countries of the region, currently function as a sanatorium with hot springs. The “Gamarvan” spring, that is, “Chomcha Bulag”, is thermal mineral waters that come to the surface at an altitude of 1388 meters above sea level in the Bum River gorge, 5 kilometers north of the village of Gamarvan. The natural water temperature is 39.2 degrees. The waters of the Gamarvan spring are rich in ferrous and sulfur compounds. Samples taken from the Gamarvan, Shongar and Yengidzha mineral water sources in 1965-1966 and 1973-1977 were chemically analyzed in a special laboratory in St. Petersburg. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the composition of Gamarvan water contains 30-40 mg/l of silicon compounds, 3-12 mg/l of sulfur, and 1.52-1.79 g/l of total mineralization.
  The chemical and physical properties and medicinal value of the Gamarvan mineral spring are similar to the Kuldur mineral water known in Western Europe (on the Iberian Peninsula). To use Gamarvan mineral water in the treatment of many diseases, since 2007, the Gamarvan Thermal Water Treatment and Wellness Complex has been operating in the Gamarvan village of the region. And the Shongar mineral spring is located in the northeast of the city of Gabala, on the left bank of the Demiraparan River, at the foot of the Gyzylgaya mountain. The mineralization of spring water is high, that is, it reaches 40 g/l. “Shongar” is a hydrocarbonate, limestone cold mineral spring. Widely used by the population as high-quality drinking water. In 2000, a water supply line was laid from the Shongar spring to the side of the Baku-Ismailly-Gabala-Sheki highway, that is, to the bridge over the Damiraparan River, and the Heydar Bulagi complex was created there. And the Yengidzha mineral spring is located in the valley of a large river in the northeast of the village of Yengidzha. The water contains sodium bicarbonate, magnesium and lime. The total mineralization is 0.48 g/l, the water is sulfurous and cold. The medicinal value of Yengidzha water, like Gamarvan water, attracted the attention of the local population and the population of surrounding areas. High-quality water “Yengija”, artificially heated by “mountain stone”, is widely used in the treatment of many diseases. Heated by a stone, the Yengidzha mineral water is noticeably enriched and turns into a solution consisting of a combination of up to 10 chemical elements useful for the human body. Taking into account all these qualities, in 2007, in the village of Yengidzha, the Medical and Wellness Complex with Thermal Waters “Yengidzha”, which meets modern requirements, was created.

Located 250 km away from Baku and 10 km away from Massala, Istisu Recreation and Health Zone is an excellent place for treatment and full-fledged rest. The zone has been known since Soviet times for its healing springs. The water comes out here from a depth of 95-250 km in hot form, with a temperature of more than 60 degrees Celsius. The water contains hydrosulphate, sodium chlorine, magnesia and hydrogen carbonate. In addition, there are 30 milligrams of iodine per 1 liter of water.
This water is used to treat the following conditions:
1. Rheumatism and its side effects
joint pain
4. Skin Diseases:
- Psoriasis
fungal diseases
3.For kidney and urethra diseases
- Radiculitis
5.For prostate disease
6.Diseases of the liver and bile ducts
7.Women's diseases
uterine neck erosion
8.Female and male infertility.
9.Gastrointestinal diseases.
10.Traumatic contusions.

The unique therapeutic properties of Naftusya mineral water have been known for a long time - the first references in literature about its healing effect date back to 1578. The name alone speaks volumes - it is the only healing water in the world with a high content of organic substances of petroleum origin. Thus, in 1969, a new source of healing water was discovered 20 kilometers from Devechi (now Shabran) above the village of Galaalti in the hillside forests. Seven springs of the same water were identified in the forest.
Therapeutic water "Galaalti" has a unique natural complex of organic substances, which makes it the only therapeutic mineral water in the world, recognized by urologists in many countries.
Galaalta water is used in the treatment of urolithiasis in various forms. It is original both in composition and in its physiological effect on the human body. Due to its low mineralization (up to 0.78 g/l) and rich content of organic substances (8.35-23.8 mg/l),
1. Stimulates the removal of small stones and sand from the kidneys, gallbladder
2. Reduces lithogenicity (tendency to form stones)
3. Нормализует обмен веществ в организме
4. has an alkalizing effect on the blood and urine
5. Reduces the formation of uric acid and promotes its elimination from the body
6. Reduces the acidity of gastric juice
7. Reduces the permeability of cell membranes
8. Reduces bleeding
10. It has an anti-inflammatory effect
11. Increases diuresis
Thanks to immunological action renews the body's defenses, promotes the elimination of inflammatory processes in organs and tissues, excretion of metabolic products and toxic substances, thereby preventing early aging of the body.
Galaalti has a unique natural complex of organic substances, which makes it the only therapeutic mineral water in the world, recognized by urologists in many countries.